
“Bread - The Staff of Life -”
Gallery Hours: Wed~Sat, 12PM~6PM Closed Sun~Tue
Dragon and Snake, the Zodiac signs of 2024 and 2025 respectively, are similar in their appearances but when it comes to their popularity, dragons have a slight edge over snakes. Unlike mythical Asian dragons that are often worshipped, most of us would back off upon encountering a snake in mountains and fields. At the same time, white snakes have always been considered to be the god’s messenger while those born in the Year of Snake are said to be blessed with financial luck. This makes snakes more of creatures to be appreciated rather than loathed and feared.
As in every year, we asked artists to create zodiac-themed senga lucky charms for 2025. Each artist has created his/her work sprinkled with a cute, cheerful atmosphere that prompts viewers to perceive snakes in a friendlier light. Comparing to previous years, this year’s exhibition features more artworks depicting not just snakes but also good luck bags, magic mallets, treasure boats and other lucky items.
Please enjoy the exhibition while wishing for a prosperous 2025 and praying to Snake, the zodiac sign associated with financial luck.
“The Zodiac 2025 : Snake + Lucky Charms + Christmas”
「洗足山の鬼伝説」剪画作品:神田 いずみ ・日野 晴美・まるぽ・小野寺 マヤノ/物語構成:小野寺マヤノ/語り:米丸 歩/音楽:「Heian」「神様のお迎え」「刹那の夜」ユーキヒロセyoutube@original_bgm/「Taiko Warrior」「茜色の空」ニコニコモンズ(niconicommons)「Confrontation』/Flute Ninja/笛忍者youtube/@fluteninja9097・fluteninjaofficial協力:鳥取市立大村地区公民館・とっとりリーダーアカデミー/映像:まるぽ/剪画アート&スペースSenga Art & Space