
・千代田線接続常磐線「金町駅」北口より 徒歩14分
戸ヶ崎操車場行きバス乗車6つ目のバス停「しばられ地蔵」下車 徒歩2分
〒125-0033 東京都葛飾区東水元 2-12-16
Tel : 03-5648-7075 Fax: 03-5648-7074
- 4-minute walk from the north exit of Kanamachi Station on the Joban Line connecting Chiyoda Line
- Take a taxi from Kanamachi Station North Exit 20m before "Shibare Jizo" (first ride section) From Kanamachi Station South Exit
- Take the bus to "Togasaki Sosyajyo" , then get off at " Shibare Jizo" that is 6th stop. It takes 2 minutes by foot.
Senga Art & Space
2-12-16 Higashimizumoto, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo 125-0033 JAPAM
Tel: 03-5648-7075 / Fax: 03-5648-7074