
2310-A001 | 昇運招富 | 日野 晴美 | 297×420mm |
2311-A002 | 運気よ高く跳ね上がれ〜♪ | 日野 晴美 | 260×420mm |
2311-A003 | 白蛇と弁財天 1 | 六郷 もと | 280×400mm |
2311-A004 | 白蛇と弁財天 2 | 六郷 もと | 280×400mm |
2311-A005 | へびとリボン | 宮本 真理 | 235×170mm |
2311-A006 | 福あつめ | 坂上 裕子 | 235×170mm |
2311-A007 | 竹のへび | 戸張 禮子 | 235×170mm |
2311-A008 | とくとご覧あれ〜 | 外山 豊子 | 235×170mm |
2311-A009 | 招き猫 | nori | 297×210mm |
2311-A010 | 福へび | nori | 148×210mm |
2311-A011 | 吉祥鶴亀 | 高橋 隆 | 242×272mm |
2311-A012 | 宝船 | 高橋 隆 | 242×272mm |
2311-A013 | かなへびと縁起物 | 大野 愛 | 210×279mm |
2311-A014 | 幸運を呼び寄せる干支飾り〜巳〜 | 岡田 桂子 | 370×250mm |
2311-A015 | 低身長なボクのドラマティカルな日々 | まるぽ | 110×130mm×6 |
2311-A016 | 今 行くよ I | 神田 いずみ | 240×300mm |
2311-A017 | 今 行くよ II | 神田 いずみ | 240×300mm |
2311-A018 | 今 行くよ III | 神田 いずみ | 300×240mm |
2311-A019 | 聖夜 | 神田 いずみ | 145×230mm |
2311-A020 | カワイイお願い | 大内 美佐子 | 200×260mm |
2311-A021 | 幸せ運ぶ白い蛇 | 大内 美佐子 | 260×350mm |
2311-A022 | 先を読む | 大内 美佐子 | 200×260mm |
2311-A023 | 巳 | 南舘 千晶 | 410×275mm |
2311-A024 | 白き祈願 I | 小野寺 マヤノ | 127×127mm |
2311-A025 | 白き祈願 II | 小野寺 マヤノ | 127×127mm |
2311-A026 | 白き祈願 III | 小野寺 マヤノ | 127×127mm |
2311-A027 | 白き祈願 IV | 小野寺 マヤノ | 127×127mm |
2311-A028 | 白き祈願 V | 小野寺 マヤノ | 127×127mm |
2311-A029 | 干支2025巳 | 小野寺 マヤノ | 210×297mm |
2311-A030 | 福寿草 | 菅谷 順啓 | 110×210mm |
2311-A031 | 蛇 2025 | 神田 いずみ | 275×413.mm |
2311-B001 | 巳どし | 青山 政枝 | 242×272mm |
2311-B002 | 迎春ー巳年 | 千葉 孝子 | 242×272mm |
2311-B003 | 花と仲良し | 居木井 啓子 | 242×272mm |
2311-B004 | 巳 | 梅崎 ゆう | 242×272mm |
2311-D001 | 干支飾り〜巳〜 | 岡田 桂子 | 100×148mm |
2311-E001 | 白蛇と弁財天 3 | 六郷 もと | 297×210mm |
2311-E002 | 白蛇と弁財天 4 | 六郷 もと | 297×210mm |

"The Zodiac 2025 : Snake + Lucky Charms + Christmas"
Gallery Hours: Wed~Sat, 12PM~6PM Closed Sun~Tue
Dragon and Snake, the Zodiac signs of 2024 and 2025 respectively, are similar in their appearances but when it comes to their popularity, dragons have a slight edge over snakes. Unlike mythical Asian dragons that are often worshipped, most of us would back off upon encountering a snake in mountains and fields. At the same time, white snakes have always been considered to be the god’s messenger while those born in the Year of Snake are said to be blessed with financial luck. This makes snakes more of creatures to be appreciated rather than loathed and feared.
As in every year, we asked artists to create zodiac-themed senga lucky charms for 2025. Each artist has created his/her work sprinkled with a cute, cheerful atmosphere that prompts viewers to perceive snakes in a friendlier light. Comparing to previous years, this year’s exhibition features more artworks depicting not just snakes but also good luck bags, magic mallets, treasure boats and other lucky items.
Please enjoy the exhibition while wishing for a prosperous 2025 and praying to Snake, the zodiac sign associated with financial luck.
2310-A001 | The Bringer of Rising Prosperity and Greater Fortune | Harumi Hino | 297×420mm |
2311-A002 | Soaring High into Good Fortune | Harumi Hino | 260×420mm |
2311-A003 | White Snake and Saraswati 1 | Moto Rokugo | 280×400mm |
2311-A004 | White Snake and Saraswati 2 | Moto Rokugo | 280×400mm |
2311-A005 | A Snake and the Ribbon | Mari Miyamoto | 235×170mm |
2311-A006 | Collecting Good Luck | Hiroko Sakagami | 235×170mm |
2311-A007 | Bamboo Snake | Reiko Tobari | 235×170mm |
2311-A008 | Please Have a Look at It! | Toyoko Toyama | 235×170mm |
2311-A009 | Beckoning Cats | nori | 297×210mm |
2311-A010 | The Snake of Good Fortune | nori | 148×210mm |
2311-A011 | Auspicious Crane and Turtle | Takashi Takahashi | 242×272mm |
2311-A012 | Trasure Boat | Takashi Takahashi | 242×272mm |
2311-A013 | A Japanese Grass Lizard and Good Luck Charms | Ai Ohno | 210×279mm |
2311-A014 | A Luck-Calling Zodiac Ornament - Snake | Keiko Okada | 370×250mm |
2311-A015 | The Dramatic Days of Little Me | Marupo | 110×130mm×6 |
2311-A016 | I'm On My Way Now I | Izumi Kanda | 240×300mm |
2311-A017 | I'm On My Way Now II | Izumi Kanda | 240×300mm |
2311-A018 | I'm On My Way Now III | Izumi Kanda | 300×240mm |
2311-A019 | Silent Night, Holy Night | Izumi Kanda | 145×230mm |
2311-A020 | Sweet Wishes | Misako Ouchi | 200×260mm |
2311-A021 | The White Snake of Happiness | Misako Ouchi | 260×350mm |
2311-A022 | Anticipation | Misako Ouchi | 200×260mm |
2311-A023 | The Snake | Chiaki Minamidate | 410×275mm |
2311-A024 | White Prayer I | Mayano Onodera | 127×127mm |
2311-A025 | White Prayer II | Mayano Onodera | 127×127mm |
2311-A026 | White Prayer III | Mayano Onodera | 127×127mm |
2311-A027 | White Prayer IV | Mayano Onodera | 127×127mm |
2311-A028 | White Prayer V | Mayano Onodera | 127×127mm |
2311-A029 | The Zodiac Sign 2025 - Snake | Mayano Onodera | 210×297mm |
2311-A030 | Fukujuso - Pheasant's Eye | Jyunkei Sugaya | 110×210mm |
2311-A031 | Snake 2025 | Izumi Kanda | 275×413.mm |
2311-B001 | Year of the Snake | Masae Aoyama | 242×272mm |
2311-B002 | Year of the Snake | Takako Chiba | 242×272mm |
2311-B003 | My Best Friends | Hiroko Ikii | 242×272mm |
2311-B004 | Mi - Snake | Yuu Umezaki | 242×272mm |
2311-D001 | The Zodiac Ornament - Mi (Snake) | Keiko Okada | 100×148mm |
2311-E001 | White Snake and Saraswati 3 | Moto Rokugo | 297×210mm |
2311-E002 | White Snake and Saraswati 4 | Moto Rokugo | 297×210mm |

「パン –生命の糧–」展
2310-A001 | 私の好きなパン〝フランスパン〟 | 戸張 禮子 | 210×297mm |
2310-A002 | 麦の力 | 坂上 裕子 | 210×297mm |
2310-A003 | たのしいランチ | 外山 豊子 | 210×297mm |
2310-A004 | ロバのパン屋 | 高木 貴子 | 235×170mm |
2310-A005 | 収穫の女神 1 | 六郷 もと | 275×420mm |
2310-A006 | 収穫の女神 2 | 六郷 もと | 275×420mm |
2310-A007 | パンだ♪パンだ♪パンダ♡ | 日野 晴美 | 297×420mm |
2310-A008 | Bake bread | 南舘 千晶 | 275×413mm |
2310-A009 | “bread”fast | 吉川 結夢 | 297×210mm |
2310-A010 | 一粒の麦 | 大内 美佐子 | 200×260mm |
2310-A011 | ピクニック | まるぽ | 110×160mm |
2310-A012 | 夏の夕飯 | トドロワ プロレチナ | 240×420mm |
2310-A013 | Sweets 1 オレンジ | ヒリストワ リディヤ | 133×133mm |
2310-A014 | Sweets 2 レッド | ヒリストワ リディヤ | 133×133mm |
2310-A015 | Sweets 3 パープル | ヒリストワ リディヤ | 133×133mm |
2310-A016 | Sweets 4 イエロー | ヒリストワ リディヤ | 133×133mm |
2310-A017 | Sweets 5 ブラウン | ヒリストワ リディヤ | 133×133mm |
2310-A018 | お気に入りのハンバーガー | ヒリストワ リディヤ | 145×217mm |
2310-A019 | 昔ながらのパン焼き職人 | ヒリストワ リディヤ | 242×179mm |
2310-A020 | パンの宇宙 | 小野寺 マヤノ | 305×432mm |
2310-A021 | パン –生命の糧– | 小野寺 マヤノ | 297×210mm |
2310-B001 | 麦のおかげ | 千葉 孝子 | 272×242mm |
2310-B002 | ブレックファースト | 原子 みす江 | 272×242mm |
2310-B003 | パンを作る | 梅崎 ゆう | 242×272mm |
2310-B004 | 幸せなランチタイム | 石野 千鶴子 | 242×272mm |
2310-B005 | 一粒の麦 | 居木井 啓子 | 242×272mm |
2310-E001 | 森の小さなパンダのパン屋さん! | 高橋 隆 | 260×200mm |
2310-E002 | 那須のおいしいパン屋さん〝ペニーレイン〟 | 高橋 隆 | 200×260mm |

"Bread - The Staff of Life -"
Gallery Hours: Wed~Sat, 12PM~6PM Closed Sun~Tue
I was at flatbakery, my favorite bread shop, when a question – what would it be like to make a senga bread? – popped up. The first image that came to my mind was that of a ubiquitous meal-table setting with bread. While it should work just fine to make a decent motif for senga, I thought we may end up with too many similar-looking artworks.
As we all know, bread has always been an important staple food that human life depended on. In the West, it has a significant meaning in the Christian religion. There are Asian countries including India and others that consume not just rice but also bread as a staple food. Or, as in Grimm’s “Hendel and Gretel,” bread is also seen playing an important role in many stories.
As I turned over in my mind about the significance of bread in different cultures, I came to think that it might be interesting to recreate something as ordinary and unassuming as one’s favorite bread in senga. I hope you will enjoy each artist’s unique interpretation of bread.
2310-A001 | Reiko Tobari | 210×297mm | |
2310-A002 | Hiroko Sakagami | 210×297mm | |
2310-A003 | Toyoko Toyama | 210×297mm | |
2310-A004 | Takako Takagi | 235×170mm | |
2310-A005 | Moto Rokugo | 275×420mm | |
2310-A006 | Moto Rokugo | 275×420mm | |
2310-A007 | Panda♪ Panda♪ Panda♪ | Harumi Hino | 297×420mm |
2310-A008 | Baking Bread | Chiaki Minamidate | 275×413mm |
2310-A009 | Bread-fast | Yuu Yoahikawa | 297×210mm |
2310-A010 | A Grain of Wheat | Misako Ouchi | 200×260mm |
2310-A011 | Picnic | Marupo | 110×160mm |
2310-A012 | Summer Dinner | Proletina Todorova | 240×420mm |
2310-A013 | Sweets 1 | Lidiya Hristova | 133×133mm |
2310-A014 | Sweets 2 | Lidiya Hristova | 133×133mm |
2310-A015 | Sweets 3 | Lidiya Hristova | 133×133mm |
2310-A016 | Sweets 4 | Lidiya Hristova | 133×133mm |
2310-A017 | Sweets 5 | Lidiya Hristova | 133×133mm |
2310-A018 | My favorite burger | Lidiya Hristova | 145×217mm |
2310-A019 | the old baker | Lidiya Hristova | 242×179mm |
2310-A020 | The Bread Universe | Mayano Onodera | 305×432mm |
2310-A021 | Bread – The Staff of Life – | Mayano Onodera | 297×210mm |
2310-B001 | Thanks to Wheat | Takako Chiba | 272×242mm |
2310-B002 | Breakfast | Misue Harako | 272×242mm |
2310-B003 | Making Bread | Yuu Umezaki | 242×272mm |
2310-B004 | Happy Lunchtime | Chizuko Ishino | 242×272mm |
2310-B005 | A Grain of Wheat | Hiroko Ikii | 242×272mm |
2310-E001 | A Little Forest Panda's Bakery | Takashi Takahashi | 260×200mm |
2310-E002 | Penny Lane - A Delicious Bakery in Nasu | Takashi Takahashi | 200×260mm |

2305-A001 | お神輿〈除災招福〉 | 日野 晴美 | 297×420mm |
2306-A002 | 沈金の美 | 外山 豊子 | 218×305mm |
2306-A003 | 2024 皆既日食 | 戸張 禮子 | 210×297mm |
2306-A004 | 夕日と麦畑 | 宮本 真理 | 242×272mm |
2306-A005 | 金継ぎ | 坂上 裕子 | 297×210mm |
2306-A006 | 刺し子の世界 −美しい文様− | 石野 千鶴子 | 280×402mm |
2306-A007 | 金と彩り | 大野 愛 | 150×200mm |
2306-A008 | 足 | 梅崎 ゆう | 242×272mm |
2306-A009 | 蓮に鯉 | 神田 いずみ | 223×318mm |
2306-A010 | 輝ける星たち | 大内 美佐子 | 350×250mm |
2306-A011 | 黄金の卵 | 吉川 結夢 | 240×175mm |
2306-A012 | 陽光を受けて | 六郷 もと | 275×415mm |
2306-A013 | 夕映えの中 | 六郷 もと | 275×415mm |
2306-A014 | 南無観世音菩薩 | 六郷 もと | 280×400mm |
2306-A015 | 金閣寺 | 高橋 隆 | 387×238mm |
2306-A016 | 王冠 | 岡田 桂子 | 254×120mm |
2306-A017 | 宝剣 | 岡田 桂子 | 250×180mm |
2306-A018 | アイコンタクト | まるぽ | 150×210mm |
2306-A019 | 護り | 南舘 千晶 | 198×279mm |
2306-A020 | ともだち | トドロワ プロレチナ | 288×202mm |
2306-A021 | 黄金の傷跡 | カルチノワ ミロスラヴァ | 212×330mm |
2306-A022 | 豊穣の孔雀 | ヴラホワ イヴァイラ | 286×202mm |
2306-A023 | 金色の闇と光 | 小野寺 マヤノ | 305×432mm |
2306-A024 | 金の輝き | 小野寺 マヤノ | 210×297mm |
2306-B001 | 神輿の鳳凰 | 日野 晴美 | 272×242mm |
2306-B002 | 火の鳥 | 千葉 孝子 | 242×272mm |
2306-D001 | 菊 | 菅谷 茂 | 100×248mm |
2306-E001 | エジプトの王 | 高橋 隆 | 260×200mm |
2306-E002 | 女優 M | 高橋 隆 | 200×260mm |

Gallery Hours: Wed~Sat, 12PM~6PM Closed Sun~Tue
n expectation of upcoming summer season, we chose “Waves” to be the theme for this exhibition.
Most of us are likely to picture beaches and oceans in our mind when we hear the word “summer”. There have been many masterpiece paintings in history depicting seas and waves. As such, Hokusai Katsushika’s The Great Wave Off Kanagawa comes to mind. That being said, there are other “waves” around us such as a wave of people, a wave of emotions, brain waves, wave motions and sound waves.
A wave is defined as “propagation of disturbances from place to place in a regular, organic way.” Within a wave, there are many “things” and “movements” that form constantly changing shapes. For this exhibition, artists have created different kinds of waves using senga techniques.
As summer approaches, and with more occasions to venture outside, we’ll have increased opportunities to see and enjoy summer sceneries in upcoming days.
The actual ocean waves, waves of clouds in the sky and a wave of people you may encounter in popular resorts this summer. Perhaps you will enjoy them more after seeing the senga works in this exhibition.
Thank you very much for joining us for the exhibition.
2305-A001 | Portable Shrine (Warding Off Calamity and Inviting Good Luck) | Harumi Hino | 297×420mm |
2306-A002 | Beauty of Chinkin (Gold-Inlaid Lacquerware) | Toyoko Toyama | 218×305mm |
2306-A003 | Total Solar Eclipse 2024 | Reiko Tobari | 210×297mm |
2306-A004 | Sunset and Wheat Field | Mari Miyamoto | 242×272mm |
2306-A005 | Kintsugi | Hiroko Sakagami | 297×210mm |
2306-A006 | The World of Sashiko (Quilting) - Beautiful Patterns | Chizuko Ishino | 280×402mm |
2306-A007 | Gold and Colors | Ai Ohno | 150×200mm |
2306-A008 | The Feet | Yuu Umezaki | 242×272mm |
2306-A009 | Lotus Flowers and Carps | Izumi Kanda | 223×318mm |
2306-A010 | Shining Stars | Misako Ouchi | 350×250mm |
2306-A011 | Golden Eggs | Yuu Yoahikawa | 240×175mm |
2306-A012 | With the Sun in My Eyes | Moto Rokugo | 275×415mm |
2306-A013 | In the Sunset | Moto Rokugo | 275×415mm |
2306-A014 | Bodhisattiva of Compassion | Moto Rokugo | 280×400mm |
2306-A015 | Kinkakuji Temple (Golden Pavilion) | Takashi Takahashi | 387×238mm |
2306-A016 | Crowns | Keiko Okada | 254×120mm |
2306-A017 | Treasured Sword | Keiko Okada | 250×180mm |
2306-A018 | Eye Contact | Marupo | 150×210mm |
2306-A019 | Protection | Chiaki Minamidate | 198×279mm |
2306-A020 | Friends | Proletina Todorova | 288×202mm |
2306-A021 | Golden Scar of a Healed Wound | Miroslava Karchinova | 212×330mm |
2306-A022 | Peacock of Abundance | Ivayla Vlahova | 286×202mm |
2306-A023 | Gold Darkness and Light | Mayano Onodera | 305×432mm |
2306-A024 | Golden Brilliance | Mayano Onodera | 210×297mm |
2306-B001 | Mikoshi Ornament - Chinese Phoenix | Harumi Hino | 272×242mm |
2306-B002 | Firebord | Takako Chiba | 242×272mm |
2306-D001 | Chrysanthemum | Jyunkei Sugaya | 100×248mm |
2306-E001 | Egyptian King | Takashi Takahashi | 260×200mm |
2306-E002 | Actress "M" | Takashi Takahashi | 200×260mm |

2303-A001 | 憩いの場所(新温泉町・足湯) | 日野 晴美 | 304×584mm |
2305-A002 | 大地からの癒しの届け物(鳥取・鹿野温泉) | 日野 晴美 | 210×297mm |
2305-A003 | 旅先にて | 外山 豊子 | 210×297mm |
2305-A004 | 黒たまご | 戸張 禮子 | 210×297mm |
2305-A005 | 別府温泉坊主地獄 | 宮本 真理 | 210×297mm |
2305-A006 | 行ってみたいな | 大内 美佐子 | 300×400mm |
2305-A007 | 道後温泉 | 高橋 隆 | 270×388mm |
2305-A008 | 温泉に入るニホンザル 1 | 六郷 もと | 275×420mm |
2305-A009 | 温泉に入るニホンザル 2 | 六郷 もと | 275×420mm |
2305-A010 | いい湯だな | 神田 いずみ | 180×230mm |
2305-A011 | お湯かけ待機なう | まるぽ | 120×170mm |
2305-A012 | 鹿が教えてくれた温泉 | 居木井 啓子 | 332×240mm |
2305-A013 | 湯の花 | 小野寺 マヤノ | 406×584mm |
2305-A014 | 温泉 - Hotspring - | 小野寺 マヤノ | 210×297mm |
2305-A015 | 至福 | ツァンコワ リュブカ | 200×300mm |
2305-B001 | 湯村温泉−長寿大岩風呂 | 千葉 孝子 | 242×272mm |
2305-B002 | だいこんとごぼうとにんじん | 青山 政枝 | 242×272mm |
2305-B003 | 温泉 | 梅崎 ゆう | 242×272mm |
2305-D001 | 湯けむり | 高橋 隆 | 200×260mm |

"Onsen - Hot Spring -"
Gallery Hours: Wed~Sat, 12PM~6PM Closed Sun~Tue
Hot springs have long been enjoyed by people around the world. The Roman Baths, health resorts in Switzerland and the Blue Lagoon, a geothermal spa in Iceland, just to name a few. Hot springs are also loved by many wild animals as well.
The Japanese hot springs known as onsen feature, when compared to other hot springs in the world, more bathing/lodging facilities and offer a wider variety of hot springs for people to enjoy such as local hot springs, hiyu - literally meaning secret hot springs - hidden deep in the mountains, the scenic hot springs with a beautiful ocean view and relaxing traditional health spas called touji.
In this exhibition, the participating senga artists were asked to recreate the images of hot springs that come to their mind.
From fond onsen memories and a dream onsen trip to onsen-loving monkeys and sumptuous onsen dining, many Japanese feel the sense of nostalgia and longing when it comes to onsen.
I hope you will enjoy the exhibition and feel the charm and vibe of Japanese hot springs.
2303-A001 | Haven of Relaxation (Shin-Onsenmachi - Ashiyu) | Harumi Hino | |
2305-A002 | The Gift of Healing from Mother Earth (Shikano Hot Spring, Tottori) | Harumi Hino | |
2305-A003 | At the Holiday Destination | Toyoko Toyama | 210×297mm |
2305-A004 | Black Egg | Reiko Tobari | 210×297mm |
2305-A005 | Beppu Onsen's Bozu Jigoku (Monk's Hell) | Mari Miyamoto | 210×297mm |
2305-A006 | I Wanna Go There | Misako Ouchi | 300×400mm |
2305-A007 | Dougo Onsen | Takashi Takahashi | 270×388mm |
2305-A008 | Snow Monkeys Enjoying Hot Spring I | Moto Rokugo | 275×420mm |
2305-A009 | Snow Monkeys Enjoying Hot Spring II | Moto Rokugo | 275×420mm |
2305-A010 | What a Nice Bath! | Izumi Kanda | 180×230mm |
2305-A011 | Making a Boiled Egg Under the Hot Spring | Marupo | 120×170mm |
2305-A012 | Hot Spring that a Deer Took Us | Hiroko Ikii | 332×240mm |
2305-A013 | Yu-no-Hana Mineral Deposits | Mayano Onodera | 406×584mm |
2305-A014 | Onsen - Hot Spring | Mayano Onodera | 210×297mm |
2305-A015 | Bliss | Tsankova Lyubka | 200×300mm |
2305-B001 | Yumura Onsen - Choju Oiwa-buro | Takako Chiba | 242×272mm |
2305-B002 | Radish, Burdock and Carrot | Masae Aoyama | 242×272mm |
2305-B003 | Onsen | Yuu Umezaki | 242×272mm |
2305-D001 | Yukemuri - Hot Spring Steam | Takashi Takahashi | 200×260mm |

「桜 –我が心のふるさと–」
2311-C001 | 幸運を呼び寄せる干支飾りII 〜辰〜 | 岡田 桂子 | 121×135mm |
2303-A001 | 花咲じいさん | 神田 いずみ | 150×225mm |
2303-A002 | 山頭火の桜 | 戸張 禮子 | 210×279mm |
2303-A003 | 愁い | 外山 豊子 | 210×297mm |
2303-A004 | 胴吹き桜 | 宮本 真理 | 242×272mm |
2303-A005 | 心浮き立つ | 坂上 裕子 | 297×210mm |
2303-A006 | 桜の日 | 大内 美佐 子 | 270×365mm |
2303-A007 | 故郷まもる同期の桜 | 高橋 隆 | 370×255mm |
2303-A008 | 100年桜の思いを乗せて 1 | 六郷 もと | 405×275mm |
2303-A009 | 100年桜の思いを乗せて 2 | 六郷 もと | 405×275mm |
2303-A010 | 春の幕開け | まるぽ | 420×297mm |
2303-A011 | 里の桜(若桜郷土文化の里) | 日野 晴美 | 420×298mm |
2303-A012 | 桜の国 | 南舘 千晶 | 370×255mm |
2303-A013 | 私の思い出“桜”島 | 吉川 結夢 | 285×198mm |
2303-A014 | 桜の風景 | ヴラホワ イヴァイラ | 295×205mm |
2303-A015 | 静寂 | ツァンコワ リュブカ | 280×198mm |
2303-A016 | メジロの夢 | トドロワ プロレチナ | 282×205mm |
2303-A017 | 歓喜 | ミハイロワ ヨシュカ | 208×295mm |
2303-A018 | 桜回想 | 小野寺 マヤノ | 305×432mm |
2303-A019 | 桜 –我が心のふるさと– | 小野寺 マヤノ | 210×297mm |
2303-A020 | 新しい出発をするあなたへ | 高木 貴子 | 190×130mm |
2303-A021 | 春の河 | 神田 いずみ | 320×225mm |
2303-A022 | さくら | 菅谷 順啓 | 105×210mm |
2303-B001 | 飛花 | 青山 政枝 | 242×272mm |
2303-B002 | 心ときめく春へ | 原子 みす江 | 242×272mm |
2303-B003 | 桜を見上げながら〜春空散歩道 | 仲島 あい | 242×272mm |
2303-B004 | 桜色のたより | 石野 千鶴子 | 242×272mm |
2303-B005 | 桜のトンネル | 梅崎 ゆう | 242×272mm |
2303-D001 | 春うらら(桜とエナガ) | 日野 晴美 | 148×100mm |
2303-D002 | さくらばな | 小野寺 マヤノ | 148×100mm |
2303-E001 | 墨田の桜 | 高橋 隆 | 200×260mm |

"Cherry Blossoms - The Home in My Heart –"
Gallery Hours: Wed~Sat, 12PM~6PM Closed Sun~Tue
The theme for the first exhibition of the 2024 season is “Sakura – Cherry Blossoms.” We have hosted many spring-themed exhibitions in the past around this time of the year such as “Scent of Spring” and “Pink,” both providing artists an ideal opportunity to feature cherry blossoms in their work. The latest exhibition - “Sakura – Cherry Blossoms - marks the first cherry blossom-themed exhibition we’ve held since “Sakura Hira Hira – Fluttering Cherry Blossoms” in 2006.
Cherry blossoms hold a special place among the people of Japan. They turn a monochromatic winter landscape into a colorful spring day in a flash… It’s the splendor of varying pink shades that speak straight to the hearts of Japanese people. For many of them, spring means a new beginning. I believe the combination of this particular sentiment towards spring and the viewers’ personal spring-time memories is what makes cherry blossoms so special in Japan.
The images of cherry blossoms from the school graduation ceremony (Note: In Japan, schools end in March) and cherry blossom-lined streets back in the old hometown. Memories of cherry blossom viewing in the park at night…
For this exhibition, I asked the artists to create the images of cherry blossoms that remain vivid in their memories.
I hope you’ll enjoy the cherry blossoms presented in this exhibition along with the actual cherry blossoms blooming in nearby Mizumoto Park.
2311-C001 | Lucky Zodiac Decoration II - The Dragon | Keiko Okada | 121×135mm |
2303-A001 | The Old Man Who Made Flowers Bloom | Izumi Kanda | 150×225mm |
2303-A002 | Blossoms by Santouka | Reiko Tobari | 210×279mm |
2303-A003 | Melancholy | Toyoko Toyama | 210×297mm |
2303-A004 | Doufuki Sakura | Mari Miyamoto | 242×272mm |
2303-A005 | Heart-Fluttering | Hiroko Sakagami | 297×210mm |
2303-A006 | The Cherry Blossom Day | Misako Ouchi | 270×365mm |
2303-A007 | Cherry Blossom Flyers Protecting the Motherland | Takashi Takahashi | 370×255mm |
2303-A008 | Riding with the Memories of 100 Years Old Sakura Trees 1 | Moto Rokugo | 405×275mm |
2303-A009 | Riding with the Memories of 100 Years Old Sakura Trees 2 | Moto Rokugo | 405×275mm |
2303-A010 | First Signs of Spring | Marupo | 420×297mm |
2303-A011 | Old Home Cherry Blossoms (Wakasa-kyo Bunka-no-Sato) | Harumi Hino | 420×298mm |
2303-A012 | Cherry Blossom Country | Chiaki Minamidate | 370×255mm |
2303-A013 | Sakura-jima Island in My Memory | Yuu Yoahikawa | 285×198mm |
2303-A014 | A Sakura view | Ivayla Vlahova | 295×205mm |
2303-A015 | Tranquility | Tsankova Lyubka | 280×198mm |
2303-A016 | Dream of a White-Eyed Warbler | Proletina Todorova | 282×205mm |
2303-A017 | The Joy | Yoshka Mihaylova | 208×295mm |
2303-A018 | Sakura Reminiscence | Mayano Onodera | 305×432mm |
2303-A019 | Cherry Blossoms - The Home in My Heart – | Mayano Onodera | 210×297mm |
2303-A020 | On Your New Beginning | Takako Takagi | 190×130mm |
2303-A021 | Spring River | Izumi Kanda | 320×225mm |
2303-A022 | Cherry Blossom | Jyunkei Sugaya | 105×210mm |
2303-B001 | Hika - Fluttering Petals | Masae Aoyama | 242×272mm |
2303-B002 | Expectations of Heart-Fluttering Spring | Misue Harako | 242×272mm |
2303-B003 | Looking Up the Cherry Blossoms - A Promnade Under the Spring Sky | Ai Nakajima | 242×272mm |
2303-B004 | Cherry Blossom-Clolored Messages | Chizuko Ishino | 242×272mm |
2303-B005 | Cherry Blossom Tunnel | Yuu Umezaki | 242×272mm |
2303-D001 | A Lovely Spring Day - Cherry Blossoms and Long-Tailed Tits | Harumi Hino | 148×100mm |
2303-D002 | Sakura-bana - Cherry Blossom Flowers | Mayano Onodera | 148×100mm |
2303-E001 | Cherry Blossoms in Sumida | Takashi Takahashi | 200×260mm |