Exhibitions 2024



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「桜 –我が心のふるさと–」

2024年3月13日(水)~4月6日(土)水~土|開廊/日・月・火 休廊|営業時間12:00~18:00

2311-C001 幸運を呼び寄せる干支飾りII 〜辰〜 岡田 桂子 121×135mm
2303-A001 花咲じいさん 神田 いずみ 150×225mm
2303-A002 山頭火の桜 戸張 禮子 210×279mm
2303-A003 愁い 外山 豊子 210×297mm
2303-A004 胴吹き桜 宮本 真理 242×272mm
2303-A005 心浮き立つ 坂上 裕子 297×210mm
2303-A006 桜の日 大内 美佐 子 270×365mm
2303-A007 故郷まもる同期の桜 高橋 隆 370×255mm
2303-A008 100年桜の思いを乗せて 1 六郷 もと 405×275mm
2303-A009 100年桜の思いを乗せて 2 六郷 もと 405×275mm
2303-A010 春の幕開け まるぽ 420×297mm
2303-A011 里の桜(若桜郷土文化の里) 日野 晴美 420×298mm
2303-A012 桜の国 南舘 千晶 370×255mm
2303-A013 私の思い出“桜”島 吉川 結夢 285×198mm
2303-A014 桜の風景 ヴラホワ イヴァイラ 295×205mm
2303-A015 静寂 ツァンコワ リュブカ 280×198mm
2303-A016 メジロの夢 トドロワ プロレチナ 282×205mm
2303-A017 歓喜 ミハイロワ ヨシュカ 208×295mm
2303-A018 桜回想 小野寺 マヤノ 305×432mm
2303-A019 桜 –我が心のふるさと– 小野寺 マヤノ 210×297mm
2303-A020 新しい出発をするあなたへ 高木 貴子 190×130mm
2303-A021 春の河 神田 いずみ 320×225mm
2303-A022 さくら 菅谷 順啓 105×210mm
2303-B001 飛花 青山 政枝 242×272mm
2303-B002 心ときめく春へ 原子 みす江 242×272mm
2303-B003 桜を見上げながら〜春空散歩道 仲島 あい 242×272mm
2303-B004 桜色のたより 石野 千鶴子 242×272mm
2303-B005 桜のトンネル 梅崎 ゆう 242×272mm
2303-D001 春うらら(桜とエナガ) 日野 晴美 148×100mm
2303-D002 さくらばな 小野寺 マヤノ 148×100mm
2303-E001 墨田の桜 高橋 隆 200×260mm


"Cherry Blossoms - The Home in My Heart –"

Exhibition Date: Wednesday March 13th ~ Saturday April 6th, 2024
Gallery Hours: Wed~Sat, 12PM~6PM Closed Sun~Tue

The theme for the first exhibition of the 2024 season is “Sakura – Cherry Blossoms.” We have hosted many spring-themed exhibitions in the past around this time of the year such as “Scent of Spring” and “Pink,” both providing artists an ideal opportunity to feature cherry blossoms in their work. The latest exhibition - “Sakura – Cherry Blossoms - marks the first cherry blossom-themed exhibition we’ve held since “Sakura Hira Hira – Fluttering Cherry Blossoms” in 2006.
Cherry blossoms hold a special place among the people of Japan. They turn a monochromatic winter landscape into a colorful spring day in a flash… It’s the splendor of varying pink shades that speak straight to the hearts of Japanese people. For many of them, spring means a new beginning. I believe the combination of this particular sentiment towards spring and the viewers’ personal spring-time memories is what makes cherry blossoms so special in Japan.
The images of cherry blossoms from the school graduation ceremony (Note: In Japan, schools end in March) and cherry blossom-lined streets back in the old hometown. Memories of cherry blossom viewing in the park at night…
For this exhibition, I asked the artists to create the images of cherry blossoms that remain vivid in their memories.
I hope you’ll enjoy the cherry blossoms presented in this exhibition along with the actual cherry blossoms blooming in nearby Mizumoto Park.

2311-C001 Lucky Zodiac Decoration II - The Dragon Keiko Okada 121×135mm
2303-A001 The Old Man Who Made Flowers Bloom Izumi Kanda 150×225mm
2303-A002 Blossoms by Santouka Reiko Tobari 210×279mm
2303-A003 Melancholy Toyoko Toyama 210×297mm
2303-A004 Doufuki Sakura Mari Miyamoto 242×272mm
2303-A005 Heart-Fluttering Hiroko Sakagami 297×210mm
2303-A006 The Cherry Blossom Day Misako Ouchi 270×365mm
2303-A007 Cherry Blossom Flyers Protecting the Motherland Takashi Takahashi 370×255mm
2303-A008 Riding with the Memories of 100 Years Old Sakura Trees 1 Moto Rokugo 405×275mm
2303-A009 Riding with the Memories of 100 Years Old Sakura Trees 2 Moto Rokugo 405×275mm
2303-A010 First Signs of Spring Marupo 420×297mm
2303-A011 Old Home Cherry Blossoms (Wakasa-kyo Bunka-no-Sato) Harumi Hino 420×298mm
2303-A012 Cherry Blossom Country Chiaki Minamidate 370×255mm
2303-A013 Sakura-jima Island in My Memory Yuu Yoahikawa 285×198mm
2303-A014 A Sakura view Ivayla Vlahova 295×205mm
2303-A015 Tranquility Tsankova Lyubka 280×198mm
2303-A016 Dream of a White-Eyed Warbler Proletina Todorova 282×205mm
2303-A017 The Joy Yoshka Mihaylova 208×295mm
2303-A018 Sakura Reminiscence Mayano Onodera 305×432mm
2303-A019 Cherry Blossoms - The Home in My Heart – Mayano Onodera 210×297mm
2303-A020 On Your New Beginning Takako Takagi 190×130mm
2303-A021 Spring River Izumi Kanda 320×225mm
2303-A022 Cherry Blossom Jyunkei Sugaya 105×210mm
2303-B001 Hika - Fluttering Petals Masae Aoyama 242×272mm
2303-B002 Expectations of Heart-Fluttering Spring Misue Harako 242×272mm
2303-B003 Looking Up the Cherry Blossoms - A Promnade Under the Spring Sky Ai Nakajima 242×272mm
2303-B004 Cherry Blossom-Clolored Messages Chizuko Ishino 242×272mm
2303-B005 Cherry Blossom Tunnel Yuu Umezaki 242×272mm
2303-D001 A Lovely Spring Day - Cherry Blossoms and Long-Tailed Tits Harumi Hino 148×100mm
2303-D002 Sakura-bana - Cherry Blossom Flowers Mayano Onodera 148×100mm
2303-E001 Cherry Blossoms in Sumida Takashi Takahashi 200×260mm